Sunday, May 4, 2008


So this is going to make me sound like a horrible person, but we have this fish York that has not been doing to well for like 2 months and we have been waiting for him to die (we thought about flushing him but didn't want to). He finally died, woohoo! We felt bad for him cause he couldn't really swim all that well, he wasn't eating and he was being bullied by our other fish. we've just been watching the tank waiting for him pass. He was our first fish, a good fish, a fish that will be missed.

see I said I would sound like a bad person. oh well


maggitootis said...

Good luck with finals!!

Christine B said...

Why would that make you sound like a bad person? It would be worse if you put the tank in your sister's room and fed the fish live crickets, but didn't wait to see if the crickets actually got eaten or just escaped.

You know who you are!!!